Tech Journal

Making Linux friendly

We gave Fred (my father-in-law) a hand-me-down computer because his one is suffering from Windows rot and is unbearably slow. Our one comes with a catch… It has Ubuntu instead of Windows. How do you make a Ubuntu computer easy to use? Turn on Auto login Remove all icons on the desktop, then add back […]

Finished First "for-pay" website

Finished First “for-pay” website

Our first site as freelancers is more-or-less finished. It should hopefully look clean and simple?

Stop websites turning off the "remember password" browser feature

Stop websites turning off the “remember password” browser feature

I’m currently in the process of incorporating a company and is my friend (now gone away but there is, especially the “Business start-up organiser” which is the ultimate “to do” list of things that need to be done. However, I found the site was annoying in that it kept logging me out if […]

Ubuntu 9.04 on a Sony VGN-AR51E

Ubuntu 9.04 on a Sony VGN-AR51E

A jackalope? I highly recommend the new Ubuntu 9.04 release (Jaunty Jackalope), it has A+ compatibility on a Sony VGN-AR51E. I also recommend upgrading from previous Ubuntu versions. Apart from the pretty new style system notifications the other thing well worth upgrading for is the promise of better boot performance. Boot speed: Obviously, when I […]

How to plot dates in Google Charts API

The Google Charts API is great but it can’t handle date-based data. Lets say you want to plot some values over a timespan, how do you do it? One way is to sample the data at regular time intervals and plot it as normal. But if the timestamps you want to plot are not regular, […]

Mum made me this penguin apron from scratch

Geek Elements in our house

Our house is sprinkled with little geeky elements: Subtle: Not so subtle: (If you can spot 5 geeky things in this photo, you yourself are a geek…) VERY subtle: (hint: Gnome Logo, “Perl”) Not so subtle: (The doormat says “welcome” in ASCII Binary. The laptop is running Ubuntu Linux with Compiz snow flakes to add […]

Gnome Cat Brush

To further prove our cat is a geek, her brush has the Gnome Logo on it! I have also realised that Cypher is a good Halloween cat seeing as she’s black and witch-like: