Batch optimise Images with a single command
I find the Page Speed tool from Google extremely helpful for optimising my websites. I have a tip which can save time if your website is failing the “Optimize Images” test. Using the in-built is one option but if most of your images are jpegs, you can achieve the same result and save time […]
Web Design Tutorial – scripting Gimp
In a previous tutorial we went through some tedious steps to generate 3 images that could be used to create a page shadow. The great thing about the GIMP is that anything you can do with a mouse and keyboard, you can also do via script. We will generate the following images automatically: Why script […]
Installing fonts in Ubuntu
If you have a font file with a “ttf” extension you can easily install it in Ubuntu (v9.04) and use it in applications such as the Gimp. Essentially, all you have to do is drop it in the correct folder: cd /usr/local/share/fonts If the truetype/custom directory doesn’t exist already: sudo mkdir truetype sudo mkdir truetype/custom […]