By Tom Fotherby on January 5, 2010
I need to remind myself that there’s no point whining about a shortfalling in a piece of software unless I can be sure the author is aware of it. To that effect, I filed a bug with the Chrome team: #31833. I also submitted a tiny patch for the Jodometer JQuery plugin.
Posted in Tech Journal | Tagged Bugs, Open-source, Software |
By Tom Fotherby on October 20, 2009
The following list is 10 favourite pieces of software which I’m thankful for every single day: 10. Meld file difference viewer 9. JQuery javascript framework 8. Trac project management platform 7. MythTV digital video recorder 6. Gimp image manipulation program (I know this is part of GNU but hey ho) 5. WordPress publishing platform 4. […]
Posted in Technical | Tagged List, Software |