33 responses to “WordPress image gallery plugin”

  1. Ls

    Hey Bitvolution,

    I really like this gallery and I am using it for a website. It is really basic and that”s what I like about it. I think it is quite a good tool. The only problem is that it has no image captioning. You did not implement this yet did you?

    Greets and thanks for sharing this!

  2. Valentijn


    Using 0.03 version of WP galleria in 2.9.1
    And using php4 on iis7 win system.

    I changed 2 things :

    // Member variables
    var $bitvol_galleria_version; //instead of public…

    And changed : function BitvolutionImageGalleria() //instead of public function BitvolutionImageGalleria()

    At this moment this php4 hack works for now 🙂

  3. Angela

    I’m fairly new to the wordpress scene. I uploaded your plugin wanting to use it to display a gallery on a page. Everything is looking good so far…. the plugiin uploaded & I activated it. Now where do I go to upload the pics to it? or how do I get it to display on the page?

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Sherry Haney

    How do you remove an image from the gallery for a particular page, but not from the media completely. In other words, I am working on a site for a client and they will have several pages of images. But they want to move an image from one page to another. When I open the page to remove that image from that particular gallery, it removes it completely.

  5. Colby

    the plugins nasty
    needed it over the original galleria for the exclude
    had to tweak a few things but its awesome up and running, thanks

  6. Dani

    Hi! I really loved this plugin. It is almost perfect. A thing that I miss is to show a “description” of image. Not just the “caption”. Can you help me?
    I tried, but him show twice the “caption” and “description” of each image.
    My e-mail: difluir@gmail.com
    Thanks a lot!

  7. luca

    very good plug-in, but what happens with sidebars?
    the sidebar content you see in this page is not the real one (the sidebar is now displaying the bottom sidebar content of the page :S. the aside has totally disappeared): http://www.buyflatbarcelona.com/flats/rambla-del-raval-36/

    What do you think? What could be the prob.?


  8. luca

    sorry, problem solved! (and it was not a plug-in problem!)

  9. Victor

    Well, it seems that I am finally seen how this really works, but… the pictures appear kind of out of the box and the main one (the one that is shown big) is not big enough to fullfil the space. What am I doing wrong? Do the pictures have to have a special pixel size? Well, I’ve already tried that and keeps same problem.
    WP3.0.5 (I’ve tried under 3.1 and it is even worst! Nothing appears!!)
    Try going into my web.
    name: user
    pass: user

  10. Victor

    Hi Tom.

    Please, u already have my website, same as user&pass. Can you have a look?
    I don’t understand why there is a blue tryangle in each thumbnail (that when u click on it open in big the picture in the middle of the website).Please, I just want it as the example above (even like that without the PREVIOUS/NEXT buttons), or it could be as the exemple http://www.greekislandpropertyfinders.co.uk/what-we-are-finding. What am I doing wrong?
    WP 3.0.5, very few plugins installed.

    Thank u


  11. Victor

    ok, I see this is something due to my theme!! Boldy. If I change it for another it does not happen anymore. mmh! Now I have some more info to keep trying.

  12. Christopher

    Great plugin. The only problem is that sometimes the link in ie7 don’t work. I know its this plugin because we disabled/enabled other plugins and we narrowed it down to this. Basically, links in the nav/sidebar of our wordpress theme don’t click out anymore. Any idea why that is?

  13. Jean

    It looks your your great plugin is not compatible with WP 3.1. The minute I edit it (even inserting a single carriage return in the code, without touching any header), it gets deactivated by WP with a message stating that The plugin does not have a valid header. I tried that with 2 different installations of WordPress. I looked at the headers and could not find anything special about them. For the moment, I turned back to 3.0.5 because I can’t live without your plugin!
    Do you have a clue about this? I suspect it could be a single bit of code that causes this deactivation.

  14. carl

    Hi Tom,

    thanks for the great plugin. I am having a few issues which I hope you can help me with. The gallery works fine apart from the fact that the thumbnails are all over the place (you can see what I mean here: http://carlwebb.com/wordpress/?page_id=129). Have you seen something like this before or am I just doing it wrong!)

    Thanks for any help you can give me.


  15. Jean

    I waited for a newer version of WP. Today I upgraded a copy of my site to 3.2.1, with my modified version of the plugin being instantly deactivated with the same deactivation message stating that The plugin does not have a valid header. I re-installed your original plugin with success, added a return between to blocks of code in bitvolution-image-galleria.php and got the same deactivation message. I edited the file with Dreamweaver 11. What I found out today is that if I edit the file within wp-admin, the plugin seems to be safely saved. So the culprit is Dreamweaver (a trustworthy program) – or a bit of code in the php file that Dreamweaver does not like or understand. Could that give you a hint ? Of course, I will re-edit the files with the wp-admin editor and come back with my results.

  16. Jean

    Today, I tried to add a return between, again, two blocks of code, in my modified version of the plugin, with WP editor, so that the file would be somehow rewritten by it, before upgrading WP core from 3.0.5 to 3.2.1. And it worked! The plugin was not deactivated on Admin reload after upgrade, did not generate any error message, and seems to be working flawlessly! So, in conclusion, there is an interaction between the original plugin code, Dreamweaver 11 and WP 3.1 and above… I suspect some invisible character being written by Dreamweaver, but when I compare the WP-admin-editor-modified file with Dreamweaver’s one, TextWrangler does not find any difference between the two except the extra carriage return… Could saving the php file with the WP editor change a record in the database? So, I don’t come with a final explanation, but have found the workaround to avoid Dreamweaver to edit the plugin’s files in the future. And again, I LOVE your plugin, it is the only one I found that fitted so well our needs.

  17. Lauren Serge

    Hi Bitvolution!

    I am using the bitvolution gallery for a project (again) and I wanted to tweak it to my needs but can not figure out how to do that exactly.
    Basically I want only the thumbnails to be visible at first. Then when you click on a thumbnail the .mainImageDiv slides open. How could I do that?
    If you could explain me where I could alter that in the code I can try to figure it out myself!

    I am a big fan of Bitvolution, sorry for all the requests 😉

  18. Frank

    Is it possible to integrate this plugin with some lightbox effect, so when you click on on the medium image, it will show the “large” image in a pop up lightbox effect?

  19. Salustiano Muniz

    Just came here to thank you for the plugin. I’m using on a website I’m developing.

    If I see you around, remember me to pay you a beer 😉

  20. Salustiano Muniz

    I’d like to see it too, I’ll be very happy If you can add this feature.

  21. Larry

    wish you would update this plugin, one of the best image gallery plugins I’ve used, but with updated wordpress the images don’t upload or don’t stick upon upload.

  22. Larry

    Using version 0.1.1 on wordpress 4.7.3

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