The beginnings of a Home Theatre PC
Kix gave me a myth for my birthday (a Myth Box without the box). More specifically she gave me a motherboard, a ASUS P5N7A-VM which is special because it has a HDMI port for nice connectivity to a TV. Full Motherboard details: ASUS P5N7A-VM – micro ATX – GF 9300 / nForce 730i – LGA775 […]
Feverous Tea
Check out Feverous Tea:

Halo Wars Demo
XBox360,RTS,4/10 – February 2009 It has been proved, RTS on a console just isn’t possible. You can put as much effort and talent into making it as possible but a mouse is a fundamental requirement of a RTS. Playing this demo made me doubt whether releasing a demo is always financially advantageous for the game […]

The Pillars of The Earth (Ken Follett)
Fiction, 6/10 – February 2009 1000 pages set in 12th century Britain based largely around the building of cathedrals – sound interesting? No, but it comes highly recommended (33rd in the BBC’s 2003 big read) and in an effort to broaden my horizons I gave it a go. It is based on real historical events […]

Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (UK)
[asa tomButton]B000B9RYG8[/asa] I looked around for quite a while to try to buy something non-Microsoft branded because I didn’t want to “feed the hand that bites us” but at the end of the day one has to be a bit pragmatic? I highly recommend this keyboard – Everyone should upgrade from a standard keyboard because […]

Rich Chocolate mousse cake
Source: Weightwatchers “Cook!” (p180), Takes: 20 mins to prepare and 45 mins to cook, Rating: 9/10 Looks like a cake but doesn’t have the texture of a cake – it’s really smooth and melt-in-the-mouth. Usually recipes don’t look like the picture right? Well, this is an exception: Mousse cake Not mouse cake