Wii, Duck hunt (Light gun), 6/10
When you buy this game you know what you’re going to get. And you get it. And yes, they went overkill on everything, especially the gore and the clichés and the bad language. The story is entertaining if you like Shaun of the Dead.
I like the gun shop – it makes the game have a bit of variety when you can choose a different gun for the level.
My main bone to pick is that it is extremely difficult to calibrate the light gun. I was trying to calibrate the official AMS Hand Cannon through the in-game calibration settings. Why is it so hard? It was way off on the first million attempts. However after 30 mins of trying, I managed to get it spot-on. It was just a random success. So I suggest you patiently re-try and re-try until it just works (for reference, the TV was a Samsung UE40B7020W).
hello Tom – Get in touch! Couldn’t find your email so hope you don’t mind me posting on here. Remember me? I worked briefly at PPH with you 😉