One problem with the Ameo is that the webbrowser doesn’t open at your homepage, it opens with a useless T-Mobile page. To change this do the following:
- Install “PHM Registry Editor” (smartphone edition). This is a free program that allows you to edit the registry values.
- Once installed, Run it and go to the root of the registry keys: Select Menu -> “Go to my Device”
- Then drill down to the value we want. Go: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> HTC -> PIEplug (NOTE: You have to select with the touchscreen, then press Enter on the keyboard to drill down)
- Select “Values” and you should see 3 items (home, Launch, WebStub).
- Rename “home” to “homeBK” (to make a backup)
- Select Menu -> New Value -> String. Then enter the URL of your start page. I suggest “about:blank” which will mean the browser starts with a blank page (nice and fast). When you have entered, select “Done”.
- A value called “New Value #1” will have been created. Rename it to “home”.
- That should be it. Exit PHM and open the browser to check it worked.