< v0.4 Note: This is the current stable version of the software.

What is Fothofax?

This is Fothofax (version 0.41):

Apr 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Apr 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Apr 29 30 01 02 03 04 05
May 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
May 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
May 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
May 27 28 29 30 31 01 02
Jun 03 04 05 06 07 08 09
Jun 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Jun 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Jun 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Jul 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
Jul 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

This is it's feature list:

Installation notes:

  1. To install fothofax, you need write permissions to a directory accessible to a webserver that runs PHP (The software has been tested using PHP Version 4.4.0).
  2. Download fothofax.zip. When you unzip it, a new directory called "FothoFax_0_41" will be created. Move the new directory to a location accessible to your webserver via a URL (rename it at the same time if you wish).
  3. Use a browser to look at the index.php file in the FothoFax_0_41 directory. Hopefully, you can see a copy of this page that has a working version of fothoFax using dummy data. There is a README file that contains further information such as the release notes.
  4. Optional: embed fothofax into another part of your website (it's not much good in a page all on it's own). To do this you will need to call setUpFothoFaxData with a relative path to Fothofax (i.e. setUpFothoFaxData('FothoFax_0_41');).

Once installed, you can replace the dummy data so fothofax has some meaningful data to display. Do this by hovering over the "?" and clicking edit People and edit Events. You need to keep the text structure exactly the same otherwise FothoFax will not be able to parse the data.

This is an example of the structure of the file used to store birthdays:

 * Name: Edd
  * Birthday: 09/Jul/1983
 * Name: James
  * Birthday: 20/Jun/1992
 * Name: Test
  * Birthday: 25/Aug/1992
 * Name: Dad
  * Birthday: 17/Sep/1953
  * Deathday: 27/Jul/2001
 * Name: Mum
  * Birthday: 28/Apr/1954

This is an example of the structure of the file used to store events:

 * Date: 01/Dec
  * Event: Go for a walk on the riverbank.
 * Date: 03/Dec
  * Event: kill an hour with a wiskey sour.
 * Date: 08/Dec
  * Event: Feed the ducks with stale bread.
  * Event: Try to not think about polar bears
 * Date: 15/Dec/06
  * Event: Notice that this event has a year. i.e. it is not recuring!
  * Event: Have a staring contest with ourselfs in the mirror.
  * Event: Snap our fingers as if suddenly we have a bright idea and see if we get any.
 * Date: 25/Dec
  * Event[red]: Christmas day
 * Date: 23-26/May/08
  * Event[pink]: Kix in Barcelona
 * Date: 24/Jun-16/Jul/08
  * Event[green]: Europe Trip
 * Date: 03/Feb/1999
  * Anniversary[100]: Kix and my going out Anniversary

That's it, hope you find Fothfax useful.